HCI Laundry Project

Interviews, Axial Coding, Figma Prototype

This project page is under construction.

Teammates on this project:

Eva Cao, Stella Thompson, and Harry Xun

Goals of our project:

The main goal for our project was to design an interface for an app that would help students on the Carleton campus navigate dorm laundry facilities with ease. Hopefully creating a less stressful experience while also keeping the facilities cleaner by promoting less clothing left and lost within the laundry rooms.

First Figma Prototype:

Created Individually.
Welcome screen with drop down menu.
Top and side views of washer and dryers in Musser. Machines in use are greyed out.
Top down view of machines green to show selection. Other buttons avalible such as report, note adding, and timer starter.

How this prototype addresses user needs:

- Able to see which machines are in use/avalible.
- Able to mark timer on machine or leave a note for others.
- Reporting a broken machine is easily accessible.